Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Corn Harvest


The vision of this project started about 5 years ago when Ryan stumbled upon an old beat-up 1940's 2-row corn planter. He's been working here and there getting it fixed and use-able. This last spring, in preparation for future livestock, it was used to plant corn. This is the story:

My forestry loving husband has a sweet spot in his heart for farming. Before we moved here, he had plans of somehow, somewhere, someway being able to farm. The Lord really blessed us with being here now and able to easily use the land Ryan's grandfather had farmed years ago. There is something really special watching two little boys helping their daddy, by covering a little seed with dirt that will eventually become corn they will feed their pigs. Something you rarely see nowadays.

As the corn was growing, Ryan had a vision for a corn crib. With no official plans, he put together a pretty awesome one. It reminds me of Charlotte's Web, and it fits perfectly in the back of our property. It also works well as a hide-out for the boys when there's no corn.

Tuck helps daddy

So, from what "they" say - the corn harvest was late this year and there was still a lot of moisture in the corn, I'll take "their" word for it. We started harvesting at around 8:30 am and were done around noon on Thanksgiving weekend. And thankfully, we had some extra help from family that was in town.
Thank You Theresa and Whit!
The little boys who helped plant the little kernels were awesome pickers... for about an hour. I don't blame them, it was pretty cold.

cousins overseeing the operation

actually kinda fun to pick

 Yes, boys and girls... this is what the real deal, non-GMO organic corn looks like, beautiful isn't it?

With a matter of hours, the field is picked, the Bear aka: our truck is loaded, and we figured we have enough corn to feed 1.5 pigs. I wonder where we can find half a pig ;) ?

Thank you to our corn pickers - Whit, Brian, Sam, Theresa, Tammy, John, Bob... we owe you a pork chop dinner :)


  1. Awesome!! Love the decor on the corn crib(;

  2. I love following your posts and look for new ones all the time.
